Setting up necessary GLT parameters

This section describes the necessary steps to set up required parameters related to the connection between M3 BE and GLT using the Graphical Lot Tracker configuration tool.

For a complete list of available parameters, refer to Parameters related to the M3TE configuration.

  1. Open Graphical Lot tracker by clicking on Start > All Programs > Infor > M3 Graphical Lot Tracker
  2. Highlight your M3TEnnn Trace Line.
  3. Select the Database Configuration tab and set the values for the following parameters:
    Parameter Description
    .M3SYS:LINKEDSERVER Name of the linked server for access to M3 BE database

    Name of M3 database

    For DB/2: Library name (i.e. M3EDBPR)

    For MS SQL: Database name and schema (i.e.M3EDBPR.MVXJDTA)

    .M3SYS:BE_RELEASE The number of current M3 BE release (e.g. 13, 14, 15.1, 15.2)
    .M3SYS:COMPANYCODE M3 Company code

    SQL concatenation code for the M3 BE database.

    For DB/2 use ||

    For MS SQL use +


    This is the separator used when building the step id.

    The default is point (.). If point is used in M3 warehouse, item or lot code this entry should be set to a character not used. (for example pipe |).

    Review and change the following parameters as required, before executing the initial load:

    Parameter Description
    .M3SYS:DAYSFOROPENMO Indicates how long time span GLT should look for matching manufacturing order transaction. Maximum known time for an open manufacturing order multiplied with two is a safe entry.
    .M3SYS:MOTRACELEVEL Level for trace object for manufacturing. For production environments that produce one or few lots per order leave this at lot level (LOT). Where a high number of lots are produced per order you might want to keep the manufacturing object at order level (MO) as this will reduce the number of trace transactions.
    .M3SYS:START_TRACE_DATE Date for first trace. It’s recommended that you leave this at 19000101 to start the trace from the beginning.
    .M3SYS:UNKNOWN_ENDDATE To reduce the work with rejected transactions at start up the initial data load will insert unknown starting points and set any circular traces to inspected. This parameter indicates the last date unknown transactions should be automatically accepted. Per default it is set to one month before the creation of the trace line.
    .M3SYS:MONTHSINITIALLOAD To reduce disk usage and size of the temp database the initial load will load data for the number of months given in this parameter at the time. Initiated to 6 months. When set to 0 data from start to end will be transferred and processed in one iteration.
    M3SYS:TraceCOByLot To prevent a possible erroneous trace relation on customer returns, an option to add the lot number to the Step ID has been added. When enabled, the Step ID is defined as CO.[Order number].[Line number].[Delivery number].[Lot number], ie Lot number will be added as a post fix on the previous definition.
  4. When changing parameters is done move the cursor out of the last changed value and click Apply.
  5. Verify your changes.