M3 Graphical Lot Tracker in Infor Smart Office

It is possible to access M3 Graphical Lot Tracker panel from Infor Smart Office in any of the following ways:

  • Create a shortcut on the canvas to your M3 Graphical Lot Tracker home page

  • Create a document link from a suitable M3 program such as OIS300

    The Document link is created using the Infor Smart Office Document Link Manager. Use the corresponding Trace URL and the substitution options in the Document Link Manager. An example of a document link from OIS300 to a Trace Sale object is[GLT server]/GraphicalLotTracker/M3TE<CONO>/GB/M3/Search/Generic?QueryName=QRY:GetQyeryData_SaleSearch&Order=<ORNO>&NBR_SHOW=100

    Java Scripts for linking from M3 programs to Trace Objects can be found in the installation package in %Install Package Root%\ GraphicalLotTracker\Config\M3TEnnnPPP\ISO_M3TE_Scrpts. The shipped scripts are named according to M3 program where they can be used. Copy the Scripts to the correct Infor Smart Office folder (example: C:\ProgramFiles\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\MWP\installedApps\MWPCell\MWP_EAR.ear\MNE.war\jscript ).

    Enter the site (server/GraphicalLotTracker) for the Graphical Lot Tracker in the Script argument when creating the shortcut

    For more details on Document Links and Java Scripts, refer to Infor Smart Office documentation .

  • Add a shortcut to a suitable M3 program using a Java Script