Working on business object mappings
To create a new primary mapping
- Go to Data Sources > MS SQL Server.
- Right-click on the SQL Server data source and select Mappings.
Right-click anywhere in the Business Object Mappings
list and select New from the context menu.
If the business object that you wish to map is already listed, then you can save a little time by right-clicking on that object, but it is not required.
The Business Object to Table / Procedure window opens.
Make the following settings:
Select object to map
This list includes all business objects defined for your application (including those for which no mapping yet exists). By default, this shows the object on which you right-clicked to open this window, but you can freely change this.
Select what to map
Select the radio button for the type of mapping that you wish to make. Select Table to connect directly to a database table. Select Procedure to call a procedure, which might return data and/or operate on the existing data in the database. Then use the drop-down list directly under the radio buttons to identify the table or procedure from the database to which you want to map.
Define mapping variant
If more than one mapping exists for a single business object, then each of the mappings for that object must have a unique variant name. Enter a variant name for your new mapping here. If you will have only one mapping for your selected business object, then this value is not important (you could simply use "default", for example). Infor e-Commerce Development Studio will check to make sure that no mappings with identical variant names already exist for your selected business object and will alert you if you need to change the name. For details about variants, see To create a mapping variant.
- Click OK to save your new mapping.