Adding a data source

In Infor e-Commerce Development Studio, a data source represents a single database or ERP system that is capable of sending and receiving information to/from a business object. Once you have created the data source inside Infor e-Commerce Development Studio, you must further configure it with connection information and mappings to the various attributes of each business object that uses that source.

  1. Go to the Data Sources tab of Infor e-Commerce Development Studio.
  2. Right-click on the Data Sources icon and select Add data source... from the context menu.
  3. Choose a connector type from the Select Connector to use list.
  4. Type the Name of data source. Use any name that will make it easy for you to recognize the data source in the future. This name is only used internally within the Infor e-Commerce Development Studio. It does not need to match any actual database or server name.

    You can, optionally, specify a Use if condition from the drop-down list. During deployment, the code for this data source is only generated if the condition is satisfied — that is, the application property is true / enabled. For example, you can specify that code for an M3 data source is only generated if the M3 Connector is enabled. This field is set to <always> by default.

  5. Click OK to add the new data source. The new source now appears under the appropriate connector heading on the Data Sources tab.