To set restrictions
Restrictions are similar to bindings in that they establish selection criteria for the method where they are defined. Their intention, however, is slightly different so they are slightly less flexible than the bindings described in To set bindings.
Restrictions are applied before bindings to limit the set of records that can be considered for selection.
Restrictions are always tested against parameter values (not against dynamic, URL-submitted values).
Restrictions are always evaluated using an "equals" operator to check field values (via their attribute mappings) against some specific parameter value.
To remove a restriction, in the Restrictions window, select the target entry and click on the Delete button.
To change a restriction's settings, select the target restriction entry in the Restrictions window. That entry's current settings then load into the controls at the top of the window. Use the controls as described in the procedure above to make changes and then click OK to apply your new settings.