User registries

The application-specific (user) registries enable WebSphere to validate users against data stored in your application’s database.

The minimum required, single Infor e-Commerce application-specific registry is typically included with the installed application. You can see this registry if you expand the User Registries heading in the Application Properties tab.

To view or edit a registry’s properties, right-click on a registry ID in Application Properties > User Registries and select Properties.

To delete a registry, right-click on a registry ID in Application Properties > User Registries and select Delete User Registry.

To rename a registry

If you intend to deploy more than one Infor e-Commerce application on a single WAS (WebSphere Application Server), you must ensure that their user registries have different IDs on the server.

  1. Right-click on User Registries or on a registry ID in Application Properties > User Registries and select Properties.

    The Properties window is displayed.

  2. In the Properties window, enter the new Unique ID.

    In the case of multiple e-Commerce applications deployed on the same WAS, the Unique ID must be unique for each application. However, you need not change the Name as the components in different presentations refer to this name. See To add a registry for further details.

  3. Click OK.