Method attributes
The Method Attributes tab
The Method Attributes tab enables you to establish the set of attributes that will be used by the method and how they will be used.
The following controls are provided:
The Attribute Properties list: This area lists all of the attributes that belong to the current business object. The various columns to the right of the attribute name indicate how each attribute is configured to be used by the method. You can set the properties for each attribute either by right-clicking on the attribute name, double clicking in the appropriate column or by using the buttons at the bottom of the window. Note that many of the pop-up settings (input, sorting, bindings, etc.) affect each subset individually; this means that you must first select the appropriate subset (or any attribute of that subset) before clicking on one of the buttons at the bottom of the window (see below).
Filter used attributes: Mark this check box to hide all attributes that are not currently configured for use by the method. Clear this box to show all attributes defined for the business object, regardless of whether they are used by the current method.
Input: Click on this button to open the Input window, which enables you to configure attributes to submit input values for the currently selected subset. For complete details about how to use this window, see Setting business object method attributes .
Sorting: Click on this button to open the Sorting window, which enables you to control how the records returned by the method will be sorted for the currently selected subset. For complete details about how to use this window, see To set the sorting.
Bindings: Click on this button to open the Bindings window, which enables you to set the bindings that will apply for the currently selected subset. For complete details about how to use this window, see To set bindings .
Restrictions: Click on this button to open the Restrictions window, which enables you to apply restrictions to the selection of records returned for the currently selected subset.
Parameters: Click on this button to open the Parameters window, which enables you to configure parameters sent to and from a stored procedure. For complete details about how to use this window, see To set restrictions.
For each attribute, a status indicator can appear in one or more of the following columns to indicate how that attribute is currently configured:
Input: Indicates whether an attribute will be used to submit data to the data source. See Setting business object method attributes
Output: Indicates whether an attribute will return values found in data source. See To toggle the output setting for an attribute.
Sort: Indicates whether an attribute's value will be used to sort returned records. See To set the sorting.
Bind: Indicates attribute that are included in bindings for the method. See To set bindings.
Restrict: Indicates attributes that are considered when applying selection restrictions. See To set restrictions.
An X is used to indicate individual attribute status. The Bindings columns can sometimes include attributes marked with XX; this indicates attributes used in several bindings, for example, both static and dynamic. For subsets, a + appears when at least one attribute within that subset is configured with the appropriate setting.