Step 2: Entering log properties
The License and Log Properties window in Development Studio enables you to define logging in the application. Currently, there are two tabs:
Application License: The use of this tab has been disabled and will no longer require you to provide license key and license server details to use the application.
Log4J Properties: Sets the properties for the log4j logging framework for the entire application.
Log4J Properties
Log4J properties are saved in the file
and deployed as a part of the application. Here, you can control
what is logged from the application. Most important is the logging
level. It should be DEBUG
only when debugging —
set it to WARN
when the application goes live.
You can use this sample log4j code:
# use this file to get log4j loggers to log to the WebSphere SystemOut.txt file
# Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to console.
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, console
# Setup parent logger of application with level DEBUG and appender console, console
# Setup parent logger of presentation (*.jsp files from DC) with level DEBUG and appender console, console
# Setup parent loggers of deployment tools with level DEBUG and appender console, console
log4j.logger.xdoclet=DEBUG, console
# console is set to be a ConsoleAppender.
# console uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %2c %x - %m%n
# the parent loggers should not inherit appenders from their ancestors
# in order to avoid logging to appenders from other configurations