Managing M3 mappings

All of the mappings used with a given M3 data source must be listed in the data source description file for your M3 data source.

The Infor e-Commerce Development Studio provides an interface that enables you to edit that part of the data-source file that defines the mappings-file list and path settings. You must update this list whenever you add a new mapping. You can also change the mappings folder here.

To edit the mapping settings for a data source:

  1. From the Data Sources tab, right-click on the appropriate M3 data source and select Mappings.

    The Mappings window opens.

  2. Double-click on a business object to map it to an M3 BE table or procedure.
  3. In the Business Object to Table/Procedure window:
    1. Select whether to map the business object to a table or a procedure.
    2. Select the M3 BE table or procedure to map.
    3. Type the mapping variant.
    4. Click OK.
  4. Repeat for other business objects as needed.