To change the default logging for IAI

When the Infor Application Installer is installed on the application server, the following basic log4j property files are placed in %install_dir%/config, for example:

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\installedApps\<computer>Node01Cell\Publish.ear\config logging is sent to user specified files logging is sent to the ChainSaw log viewer. logging is sent to the console/systemout

The default is the systemout.

To change ChainSaw or file mode, copy the relevant *.properties file to The change will then be detected and the new setup will be used.

These three basic property files utilize the fact that Loggers in log4j are hierarchical and thus inherit the properties of their ancestor unless this is specifically disabled. Thus in the property files, we set up properties for the loggers:

In the property files, inheriting from the ancestor to these four loggers has been turned of using the log4j.additivity."logger"=false setting.

For more information about Log4j, check and

  1. com.intentia.iec: ancestor of the loggers for the application layer
  2. com.intentia.iec.jsp: ancestor of the loggers for the presentation layer
  3. ancestor for the loggers in ant (used during publish)
  4. xdoclet: ancestor for the loggers in xdoclet (used during publish)