on the target method to open the properties window for that attribute.
Select Method Attributes.
Select Parameters...
Click Add.
In the first column, select In or Out, depending on whether
you are making an input or output parameter.
Type a name for the parameter. All parameters for a given method must be named uniquely.
Select a data type from the Type list.
For input Parameters, you can enter a default value
in the Value field. The default value will be overridden if the calling
component provides a value for the parameter. You can set this to a constant
value or enter a valuespec expression for drawing a dynamic value.
See the table below for some examples of how to set this.
For output Parameters, you can select "nullable".
Click OK.
To remove a parameter, select the target parameter on the Parameters window and click Delete.
To change a parameter's settings, select the target parameter in the Parameters window.
Use the controls as described above to make
changes and then click OK to apply your new settings.