Testing the Gateway

The XML Gateway includes a small testing application, which will help you test your solution. This section explains how to work with this program.

When you use the Test Tool, you will be using the same exact mechanism as a real user will—via your application’s XML Gateway JSP page.

To use the Test Tool:

  1. Launch the Test Tool.
  2. Enter the URL for the MEC into the URL field. If you wish to test a specific port setting, then specify a port number as usual (for example, http://SERVER:2000 to send to port 2000). If you do not specify a port, then the default port (80) will be used.
  3. Enter the text of your request document into the Request field. There are three ways to populate this field:
    • Locate and select an existing document to be loaded into the Ideal XML Request area by selecting File > Open.

    • Copy and paste the text from another program.

    • Type the text manually.

  4. Click Command > Send or press Ctrl-E on your keyboard. This submits your request document to the URL you specified in the URL field. The reply will appear in the Response field which can either be a complete XML response document or a short XML document that includes an error message.
  5. The Request you submitted and the XML response document can be saved.
    • To save the request, select File > Save Request or press Ctrl-S.

    • To save the response, select File > Save Response or press Ctrl-R.