The Data Source tab

All data source and connector configuration settings are made in the Data Source tab of the Infor e-Commerce Development Studio.

The Data Source tab shows you which connectors you have installed and which data sources you have defined that use each connector. Like many of the other displays of Infor e-Commerce Development Studio, the Data Source display uses a tree structure.

The data source icons are each a local representation of an external data source. The names you see are only used internally in Infor e-Commerce Development Studio. Associated with each of these is a set of connection properties, which enable both Infor e-Commerce Development Studio and your final web application to communicate with the actual data source. Additional configuration for the data source is also available here (through right-click contextual menus), enabling you to map business object attributes to the various tables and fields of the database or ERP system represented by the data source. The configuration settings available vary according to the type of connector used for each data source.