To set the sorting

Sorting criteria enable you to control the order in which found records will be displayed within each subset.

The Sorting window shows a check box for each output attribute of your selected subset. The marked attribute nearest the top of the list will be the primary sort parameter; records will be sorted first according to the values found for this attribute. The second marked attribute (if any) will be considered only when two records have identical values for the first criteria.

  1. Double-click on the target method to open the properties window for that attribute.
  2. Select Method Attributes.
  3. Select Sorting...
  4. Mark the check box for each attribute that you want to consider when sorting found records.
  5. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to establish the sorting hierarchy of a selected attribute.
  6. Set the following options for each attribute you will consider for sorting:
    • Static/Dynamic/Both: Sets the criteria by which the currently selected attributed will be sorted. Set this to Static to always sort by this attribute; set to Dynamic to make sorting by the attribute optional according to sorting commands arriving in the URL (default is no sorting); set to Both to establish a default static criteria that can be overridden by URL commands.

    • Ascending/Descending: Controls the direction in which the selected attribute will be sorted. Choose Ascending to sort from low to high (starting with "a" for strings or with "1" for numbers). Choose Descending to sort in the opposite direction (starting with "z" for stings or with the largest numerical value on top).

    The above two settings are assigned on a per-attribute bases, so you can, for example, sort one attribute in ascending and another in descending order.

  7. Click OK.