Saving orders

Saved orders enable customers to store a current order for use some time in the future. They also allow for the most basic level of collaboration because they can optionally be made visible to all users at the same company.

Draft orders

A draft order is work in progress order, which has been saved to be completed later.

When a customer saves an order as a draft, it remains in the current-order table, but its status is changed from "current" to "draft". When saving the draft, the customer can keep it private or share it with the entire company, thereby allowing another user to complete it. The option of saving the order is available on the Order Form page.

When a user has draft orders available, a notice appears on the home page of Infor e-Commerce, which loads immediately after they log in.

When a customer activates a draft order, its status is changed from "draft" back to "current" for that customer, thereby removing it from the draft-order list. No extra copy of the draft is kept.

Standard orders

Standard orders fill the current order form with a pre-configured set of items, thereby saving customers the time required to search and/or browse in the catalog. Once the standard order is loaded, the customer can freely add or remove items before submitting the order form. The standard order is available for repeated use until the customer explicitly deletes it from the standard order list.

When a customer saves the current order as a standard order, it remains in the current-order table, but its status is changed from "current" to "standard". When saving the standard order, the customer can keep it private or share it with the entire company, thereby allowing other users to load it. The option of saving the order is available on the Order Form page as an alternative to checking out.

When a customer loads a standard order, the content of the current order (if any) is maintained and the standard order is added to it. If the current order already contains items included in the standard order, the quantities from the standard order are added to those already in the current order. The original copy of the standard order is still kept in the database.