Uploading item images

You can associate more than one set of images to an item. Each set includes:

  • A thumbnail – Small image with 60x60 pixels

  • A preview – Normal image with 90x90 pixels

  • A master – Actual image size

These images differ in size and they are displayed in various pages in the Customer Center. One such set is selected as default image. The preview and thumbnail images from the default set are displayed in the Item Details page. The master image is displayed when the preview image is clicked. The preview images are displayed in the Items (item list) page and Items Search page.

Each time you add a new item for which you wish to display an image, you must upload the respective images. The image file must have one of the following formats: *.JPG, *.GIF or *.PNG

To upload an image or images for an item:

  1. Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
  2. Click Items > Items in the navigator.
  3. In the Items page, select the item you want edit.

    The Item Details page is displayed.

  4. In the Item Images area, click Upload.
  5. To select images to upload from your local computer, click Add Files.

    – Or –

    Drag and drop images from your local computer to the Media Uploader canvass.

    Note: If you are using Internet Explorer as browser, you cannot add multiple images simultaneously. You can drag and drop images only with version 10 or later.
  6. To upload files individually, click the arrow button on the upper right-hand corner of the image.

    – Or –

    To upload all files simultaneously, click Upload All.

  7. To set the image type of each file, select Master, Preview, or Thumbnail on the upper left-hand corner of the image.

    You can skip this step by following the naming convention for image files: <filename>_<type:m/p/t>.<file extension>. For example, MenCasual_m.jpg will be interpreted as the master image.

  8. To group images as a set, drag and drop related image files to its master image.
  9. Click Apply.

    The images are displayed in the Item Images section.

  10. To set an image file as the default image, click the Set as Default icon on the upper right-hand corner of the image.
  11. To preview an image, click the Preview icon on the upper right-hand corner of the item image.
  12. To delete an image, click the Delete icon on the upper right-hand corner of the item image.

    – Or –

    To delete all item images, click Delete All.

  13. Click Save. Note that the image uploader is also used in uploading images for these features in Business Center: Categories, Store finder, Promotions, and Campaigns.