Establishing item relations

To set up item relations:

Note: To view the changes made, ensure that the Item.GenerateOtherItemsRelation job is executed.
  1. Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
  2. Click the Items:Item Relations link in the navigator.
  3. Click Create New.
  4. On the Item Relation Details page, make the following settings:
    Setting Description
    Item Number Enter the ID (item number) of the item for which the relation will be defined. If you need help finding the item number, click Find.
    Relation Type Select the type of relation. (The choices are explained above in the introductory text for this procedure.)
    Related Item Number Enter the ID (item number) of the related item (i.e., the item that is listed on the Item Details page (Customer Center) for the item specified in the Item Number field). If you need help finding the item number, click Find
    Texts Enter a short description of the related item in each language supported by your application. Try to indicate the relation type in your description. Examples: "Your selected item has been discontinued, please consider this replacement item," or "This item requires batteries, would you like to order some now?" or "We also have a similar, but faster hard disk available."
  5. Click Create to submit your settings.