Ordering options

Infor e-Commerce supports a wide variety of ordering scenarios, ranging from simple orders to advanced order collaboration and approval. These include:

  • Simple orders – The simplest type of order is one where a customer fills the order form and then submits it before logging out.

  • Draft orders – Customers wishing to save their current order and then return to it later can save it as a draft, which can then be reloaded during a future session.

  • Standard orders – Standard orders are orders that a customer is likely to make over and over again, such as for filling basic inventory each week. Like draft orders, standard orders are saved copies of a current order form that can be loaded into the order form at any future session. However, standard orders do not disappear after they are loaded—they are available for repeated use.

  • Change order – Change order allows for modifying customer orders that are already been submitted to M3 BE.

  • Order collaboration – Order collaboration enables input to be gathered from several people before the order is submitted to the merchant. Once a user has finished working on the order, he or she selects the name of the next user who must work with the order and forwards it. The next user receives an e-mail informing the user to log in to Infor e-Commerce, load the forwarded order, add input and then either submit it to the merchant, return it with comments, or send it on to the next user in the chain. Each user can add a short note to the order each time he or she forwards it.

  • Order approval – When a customer uses order approval, each user at the customer company is given a minimum approval limit (MAL). All orders having a value equal to or above this limit must be approved before they are submitted to the merchant. When the user submits such an order, the order-approver user receives an e-mail informing the user to log in to Infor e-Commerce, inspect the order and then either submit it to the merchant or reject it.

  • Request for quotation (RFQ) – The RFQ feature allows customers to request a special offer from the merchant. When a customer submits an order as an RFQ, the merchant decides what type of offer to make and returns the offer to the customer. The customer receives an e-mail informing the user to log in to Infor e-Commerce, inspect the offer and then either submit it to the merchant or ignore it.

  • Quick order entry – Some customers may already know the item number for each item they wish to purchase. This type of customer find the quick-entry order form very convenient. It provides a multi-row form into which the customer simply enters the item number and quantity for each item they wish to order. Thereafter, the customer can continue browsing if desired and then submit the order as usual.