Establishing warehouses

The merchant must set up warehouse information in the Business Center so that it is available for selection in the Customer Center.

To set up warehouses:

  1. Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
  2. Click the Shop > Warehouses link in the navigator.
  3. Click Create New.
  4. On the Warehouse Details page, specify settings as required.

    See the table below for complete description of each setting.

    Field Description
    Warehouse Code A short three-digit code for the warehouse. This is not shown in the customer presentation; it is only for reference within the Business Center.
    Internal Name A name that will be easily recognizable to users of the Business Center.
    Warehouse Responsible The name of the contact person at the warehouse.
    Visible If set to "No", the warehouse is considered inactive and will never be listed in the Customer Center.
    External map URL Reference to an external graphical map for the warehouse, for example,
    Addressee Name of the company.
    Address 1 The top line of the warehouse’s address.
    Address 2 The second line of the warehouse’s address.

    Address 3

    Address 4

    The pre-formatted address for the country where the warehouse is located.
    Postal Code The postal code of the area where the warehouse is located.
    City The city where the warehouse is located.
    Country The country where the warehouse is located.
    State The state or province within the country where the warehouse is located.
    Phone The phone number that is most appropriate for customer inquiries.
    Fax The fax number that is most appropriate for customer inquiries.
    E-mail The e-mail address that is most appropriate for customer inquiries.
    URL If the warehouse has a website, enter its address here. Infor e-Commerce uses this setting to create link on the Warehouse Details page in the Customer Center.
    Descriptions A short description of the warehouse in each of the languages supported in your application.
    Upload Image

    The warehouse images are stored on the application server where Infor e-Commerce is running in a folder called "warehouse/preview". In a typical installation, this might be:


    Each time you add a new warehouse for which you wish to display an image, you must upload an image file. The image file must have one of the following formats -*.JPG, *.GIF, *.PNG.

  5. Click Create.

    The page reloads with a larger form that not only shows your settings so far, but also includes additional fields for uploading image.

    The settings you specify in this page are displayed on the Warehouse Details page of the Customer Center.

  6. Click Save to submit your new settings.
    Note: Use the search form to find the warehouse you wish to edit. To edit a warehouse, click its name in the Warehouse Code column of the list. The form for editing a warehouse is identical to the one for creating a new warehouse, except that you are not able to change the warehouse code.

Specifying pickup address

Note: Only users having the role with the feature elements Warehouses and Pickup can specify the warehouse from which they want to pick up their goods.
  1. Log on to the Customer Center as a registered user.

  2. In the B2B setup, select Home > Warehouses.

    In the B2C setup, select Stores > Find a store near you in the right area of the screen.

    A list of warehouses is displayed. The Warehouses tab is available for roles having the "Warehouses" feature element.

  3. Scroll through the list and click the Select link corresponding to the warehouse from which you want to pickup items that you have ordered.

    When you finalize the order, the name of this warehouse is displayed on the Warehouses page in the Shipping Information area.

    If you want the goods to be shipped to your shipping address, click the Select shipping link and when you finalize the order, select a shipping address in the Shipping Information area.