Overview on newsletters

Both registered users (shopper and reseller) and unregistered users (guests and prospects) can request for newsletter subscriptions by providing their e-mail address. Infor e-Commerce sends a mail to the user requesting for confirmation. To prevent spamming and unintended use, users must confirm the registration by replying to that mail; this action activates the subscription. Administrator can export the list of subscription for use in an external mailing program.

Note: Infor e-Commerce only handles the subscription; creating and mailing newsletter is not done by Infor e-Commerce. The newsletter feature is available for roles having the "Newsletter Subscription" feature element.

Registered users can log on to the Customer Center and request for newsletters in any of the following ways:

  • Clicking the Newsletter icon in the right area of the screen, in the B2C setup or

    Selecting the Home > Newsletter link in the B2B setup.

  • Selecting the Subscribe link in the My Account > Profile area.

  • Selecting the Receive Newsletter check box during the order flow.