Adding videos to items

You can associate more than one set of videos to items in Infor e-Commerce by linking videos from the Internet. Each set includes:

  • A thumbnail – Small video with 60x60 pixels

  • A preview – Normal image with 90x90 pixels

  • A master – Actual video size

  1. In the Item Images area of the item details page, click Upload.
  2. To add videos to the item, click Add Links.
  3. Type or paste the URL of the video or videos on the Media Uploader canvass and click Add Links.
  4. To set the video type of each file, select Master, Preview, or Thumbnail on the upper left-hand corner of the image.

    You can skip this step by following the naming convention for video files: <filename>_<type: master/preview/thumbnail>.<file extension>. For example, MenCasual_master.jpeg will be interpreted as the master image.

  5. To upload files individually, click the arrow button on the upper right-hand corner of the image.


    To upload all files simultaneously, click Upload All.

  6. Click Apply.

    The videos are displayed in the Item Images section.

  7. To preview an image, click the Preview icon on the upper right-hand corner of the item image.
  8. To delete an image, click the Delete icon on the upper right-hand corner of the item image.

    To delete all item images, click Delete All.