Users and markets

User type Market association
Guest User
  • In the B2C setup, a guest user does not belong to a particular market. In the Customer Center, all guest users are presented with the price list from the default B2C market (the default market is "B2C Worldwide") when they enter the site. However, users can change the default market by selecting the desired market from the Market drop-down list. When a guest user selects a market from the list, the shop reflects the prices associated with the selected market. This market is called the active market. The shop displays the item prices in the selected currency.

    Note that in the B2C setup, the Customer Center displays the Market drop-down list containing B2C markets only.

    In the B2B setup, the Customer Center presents prices from the default B2B market (the default market is "B2B Worldwide") for all guest users when they enter the site.

  • In the Currency drop-down list, a guest user can select the currency in which the prices should be displayed in the shop. This list contains all currencies defined in the Shop:Currencies area of the Business Center.

  • The market for guest users is specified in the Guest User Details page in the Business Center. The administrator can change the default setting.

    In the real-time, the implementation of market may be different. Instead of the market drop-down list, a domain could be defined for each market, for example,, Alternatively, each market can be represented as a flag on the opening page.

Consumer User
  • In the B2C setup, when a user is registering in the Customer Center, the user has to explicitly select the relevant market from the Market drop-down list before entering the registration details. When a user registers in the Customer Center, the shop always displays the prices based on the market selected by the user while registering. If a user does not explicitly select any market from the drop-down list, the user is assigned the default B2C market "B2C Worldwide".

  • In the B2B setup, all users registering in the Customer Center are assigned the default B2B market "B2B Worldwide".

    In the Business Center, the administrator can change the account settings including the default market for single users on the Single User Details page.

Customer User Customer users inherit the market details from their Customers. Each customer is explicitly assigned a market by the merchant administrator in the Customer Details page of the Business Center.