Workflow for credit card orders

For orders paid through a payment system, such as credit card payment, the workflow varies slightly for each payment system. Your Infor e-Commerce consultant must create a custom solution for each payment system that you can support. In a typical scenario, credit-card orders would be handled as follows:

  1. A customer submits an order, including credit card details.
  2. Credit card details are forwarded to the payment handler. If the card is accepted, then the order status is set to "incoming" and an approval code is stored with the order. Depending on the payment system, payment status might be set either to "captured" (payment is on its way) or "authorized" (payment is authorized, but is held until delivery).
  3. The order processor at the merchant opens the Business Center and goes to the Users:Order Handling area, which lists all orders. Here, he or she clicks the Order Code of an order listed as "incoming" to view the details of that order.
  4. A Print Order button appears at the top of all incoming orders. The order processor clicks this button to print the order and update the status to "printed". This indicates that it is currently being assembled.
  5. The order processor takes the print out and assembles, packages, and ships the order.
  6. The order processor opens the order once again in the Users:Order Handling area of the Business Center. This time, an Order Delivered button appears at the top of the Order Details page. The order processor clicks this button to update the status to "delivered". For payment systems that require delivery before payment capture, the payment provider is informed of the delivery and payment status is updated to "captured". The payment status is not changed at this point for payment systems that provide capture immediately on approval.

    See Payment handling for more information on how to work with payment systems.