Configuring delivery fees

To create and/or edit the delivery fee sets:

  1. Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
  2. Click the Shop > Delivery Fees link in the navigator.
  3. Click Create New.
  4. On the Delivery Fee Details page, make the following settings:
    Field Description
    Delivery fee name Specify a name for the delivery fee in the Delivery Fee Name field. The name must be easily recognizable to users of the Business Center; this name does not appear in the Customer Center.
    Description Specify a descriptive name for the fee. This text is internal to the Business Center and is for your reference only.
  5. Click Create.

    The page reloads with a larger form that shows your settings so far, but which also includes additional fields for establishing delivery fee and user segment.

    Field Description
    Delivery fee rates

    The delivery fee rate is based on the price of the entire order (not including tax, shipping or discounts). Each class is defined by its minimum order price; the price charged will be that of the highest price class that will accommodate the entire order. Use the controls under Add New Delivery Fee to establish the set of price classes; you can define any number of classes. For each class, use the Rate Type list to choose whether you specify the fee as an absolute value or as a percentage of the order price. Absolute prices must be entered using the currency that is selected as primary currency for the merchant’s company, regardless of the countries in which the shipping fee is intended to apply (it is calculated for other currencies as required). The prices defined here must not include tax; tax is added later as it applies to delivery fees for the country of destination.

    See Tax charges.

    Description Use the controls under Add New User Segment to establish a group of user segments where the fee can be applied. If no segments are assigned, then the current fee set will never be applied.
  6. Click Save to submit your settings.