Single user roles

All single users are assigned the role that has the "Consumer User" role type. In the default Infor e-Commerce configuration, all users registering through the B2B Customer Center are automatically assigned the "Shopper" role, which is a user role of the type "Consumer User". Similarly, all users registering through the B2C Customer Center are automatically assigned the "ShopperB2C" role.

Single user accounts are very simple and allow fewer options than company-user accounts. It is possible to promote single users to customer users - this is useful when a user self-registers in the Customer Center, but must later be granted reseller or advanced consumer status. For details about roles and how to use them, see Roles, segments, and feature elements.

In the B2B setup, the favorite-category and favorite-item lists for single users are initially be inherited from those configured for the guest user.

Note: In the B2B setup, single users can browse through items, but cannot purchase item. Single users can change these later using the standard controls in the My Account > Profile area of the Customer Center.