Quick search

  1. Log on to the Customer Center as a registered user or unregistered user.
  2. Enter search keywords on the Search field present at the top of the screen.
    Field Description
    Item Enter the item name, item number or item description.
    Brand name Select a brand from the list.
    Category Select a category from the list.
  3. Click Search.

    The Search Results page displays items matching the search criteria.

    Note: If you do not enter any search criteria, the search form is displayed.
  4. Scroll through the list and find the item for which you were searching.
  5. To sort the list, click the column header.
  6. To view more information about the item, click the item name.
  7. To compare item, select two or more items and click Compare.
  8. To add items to the shopping cart, select one or more items and,

    In the B2C profile, click Buy.

    In the B2B profile, click Order.