WAS settings

When the Google Base java client sends https request to the Google Server for authentication, the Google Server may fail to authenticate the request if Google’s public certificate is missing in WAS Default Trust Store. To avoid this, you must import Google’s public certificate and into WAS Default Trust Store.

Importing Google's public certificate into WAS 6.1

  1. Log on to the WAS 6.1 admin console.

  2. Go to Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates > NodeDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates.

  3. Click Retrieve from port and enter the following details:

    Field Description
    Host Enter www.google.com.
    Port Enter "443".
    Alias Enter "google".
  4. Click Retrieve Signer Information.

  5. Click on the Apply button.

    The Google's public certificate is imported into the NodeDefaultTrustStore.

WebSphere transaction time out settings

  1. Log on to the WebSphere admin console.

  2. Go to Servers > Application servers > server1 > Container Services > Transaction Service.

  3. In the Runtime tab, enter the following details:

    Field Description
    Total transaction lifetime timeout Enter the value as "0".
    Maximum transaction timeout Enter the value as "0".
  4. Click Apply.

WebSphere transaction time out settings

  1. Log on to the WebSphere admin console.

  2. Go to Servers > Application servers > server1 > Container Services > Transaction Service.

  3. In the Runtime tab, enter the following details:

    Field Description
    Total transaction lifetime timeout Enter the value as "0".
    Maximum transaction timeout Enter the value as "0".
  4. Click Apply.