Applying attributes to items

Infor e-Commerce handles variants and complex-item options in essentially the same way—both are considered attributes of the parent item. In each case, the various types of options available for an item are grouped together into categories from which the customer can select when ordering the item.

For example, a computer system might offer the following options:

  • Microprocessor (each model of which is also available separately and/or with other computer systems)

  • Wireless network card (extra-cost option for this model only, not available separately)

  • Cabinet color (does not affect price; it is not available separately because "red", for example, does not make sense as an item).

When ordering this item, the customer must make three choices: select one of the available hard disks, choose to have the wireless network card or not, and select one of the available colors. Each of these options must be configured as a category within Infor e-Commerce; the selections available in each category will be a subset of items or variant values assigned to that category.

Once you have created the categories required to establish the group of options available for each attribute (see Adding customer item number), you are ready to apply the attributes to an item. The procedure for adding variant attributes is the same as that for adding sub-item attributes.

With sub-item attribute, you can identify one of the selections as the default selection for the complex item. In this case, the price of the default option is assumed already to be computed into the price of the complex item; Infor e-Commerce will compute the price differences between the default and other options based on the actual price of each item. Therefore, if the default hard disk for a computer system costs $100 and a larger hard disk costing $150 can be substituted, then Infor e-Commerce will show the default option as costing nothing, but the option as costing "+$50".

  • Variant: Does not affect price; Typically, exactly one option must be selected (as indicated here by the use of option buttons).

  • Sub-Item (required): Affects price; the default selection is included in the initial price, other options add or subtract from the total price; the configured item must include this attribute (in this case, the computer CPU).

  • Recommended extra - choose one: Like required sub-items, a default selection is included in the initial price; however, the user can choose a better or cheaper option, or even choose to do without the attribute (in this case, a computer monitor); option buttons can also be used, but a drop-down list saves screen space when many options are available.

  • Optional extras - add some, all or none: None are included in the initial price. Some or all can be added for extra cost (as indicated here by the use of check boxes with prices shown).

To add attributes to an item:

  1. Log on to the Business Center and click the Items:Items link in the navigator.
  2. Either find the item you wish to edit or create a new item as described in Adding an item. Open the Item Details page for your selected item.
  3. Scroll down to the Categories settings.

    Here, you can see each category to which your item belongs. If more than one category is listed, then one must be selected as the Main category (as indicated by the Main Category option button).

  4. Click Add New Attribute (or click the appropriate link in the Name column to edit the settings of an attribute).

    The Attribute Details page is displayed. Use this page to select the attribute category and control how the attribute will appear for your item.

  5. Make the following settings:
    Field Description
    Internal Name A name for the attribute that will be easily recognizable to users of the Business Center; this name will never appear in the Customer Center.
    Category Name

    The category ID for the category that includes all of the item or variant values that will be available for the attribute. To find a category by name, click Find.

    You can only set the category when you create the attribute—you cannot change the category for existing attributes (create a new attribute instead).

    Attribute Type Set this to "Multiple Values" if the customer must select between available options. Set this to "Single Value" to create a read-only, single-value attribute that the customer cannot change or remove. See the table at the bottom of this section for examples on how to use this setting.
    Presentation Type

    Select the type of control that will be presented to the user for selecting among the available values for the attribute. Use "CheckBox" for add-on attributes where the user can add one, several, all or none of the available add-ons. Use "Radio" or "DropDown" for attributes where the user can select only one option. Radio buttons take up more space on the page, so you will usually use lists for attributes that have a large number of options.

    See the table at the bottom of this section for examples on how to use this setting.

    Is Hidden Set to "No" to show the attribute on the Item Details page. Set to "Yes" to hide the attribute and automatically select the default option.
    Sort Order Use this to control the order in which the attributes will be listed on the page. Enter any integer; the attribute with the lowest integer is listed first.
    Descriptions Name and description of the attribute in each language supported by your application.
  6. Click Create to add the new attribute (or Save if you are editing an attribute).

    Your settings will not be saved if you do not do this.

  7. Click Back to return to the Item Details page.

    The item now has your new attribute, but the attribute is still inactive because you have not configured the set of available options—all options for a new attribute default to unavailable.

    1. Click Select Values for your new attribute.

      The Attribute Values page appears, which shows a list of all of the values available for the attribute (i.e., all item in the sub-item category or all values defined for the variant category).

    2. For each value that can be selected for the current item, select the Add check box and then click Save. For single-value attributes, you can only enable one value.

      If you are working with a multiple-value attribute, then choose one of the enabled values as the default. Radio-button controls allow you to select a "No Default" option; check-box controls require you to use the "no default" option; list controls require a default—the attribute must include a "None" item if it is optional. See the table at the bottom of this section for examples on how to use this setting.

      As mentioned at the start of this section, pricing for the complex item is assumed to include the cost of the default item; prices of the other items will be computed based on the prices for those items in the database.

    3. Click Save after selecting the default value.
  8. Click Back to return to the Item Details page.

    Continue working until you have established all of the required attributes and define a set of valid values for each of them.

    Optional Description Attribute Type Single/multiple values Presentation Type Default Value

    Optional extras of which all, some or none can be added.

    For example,

    Bicycle accessories such as bell, light, fenders, kickstand, etc.)

    Sub-item Multiple Check box No default

    Optional extra that can be added or not

    For example,

    Wireless networking card for a computer

    Sub-item Multiple (even though only one option will be shown) Check box No default

    Read-only attribute (always selected, no options)

    For example,

    Bicycle frame, which essentially defines the platform for the item.

    Sub-item or variant Single Any (ignored) N/A

    Choice of one among several equal-cost options, where exactly one must be selected.

    For example,

    T-shirt color

    Variant Multiple Radio or drop-down Any, or the "none" item

    Extra with several available options of which at most one can be added.

    For example,

    Computer monitor

    Sub-item (Category must include the "none" item) Multiple Radio or Drop-down Any, or the "none" item

    Required feature for which several options are available and exactly one must be selected.

    For example,

    Computer microprocessor (CPU)

    Sub-item (Category must not include the "none" item) Multiple Radio or Drop-down Any, but not "no default"