Promotion type: Buy 1 Take 1 / Buy promo quantity or get more


Type: Buy Item

Field: Item Number

Operator: = or "Contains All"

Values: {item number}

Description: This rule type sets a specific item number or uses the "Contains All" operator, which means that all values indicated must exist in the order.

Field: Item Category

Operator: =

Values: {categories}

Description: All items under the selected category are considered as promotional items.

Field: Item Assortment

Operator: =, "Contains All"

Values: {assortment}

Description: All items in the selected assortment are considered as promotional items.

Type: Quantity

Note: This type requires that the Type – Buy Item rule be created first to define the promotional items.

Field: Items in Promo

Operator: =, <, >, >=, <=

Values: {numeric value}

Description: This rule type applies if the summation of the quantity of the promotional item meets the defined numeric value.

Field: Any items in promo

Operator: =, <, >, >=, <=

Values: {numeric value}

Description: This rule type applies if the quantity of any of the promotional item meets the defined numeric value.

Field: Per items in promo

Operator: =, <, >, >=, <=

Values: {numeric value}

Description: This rule type applies if the quantity of each promotional item meets the defined numeric value.


Type: Free Item

Operator: =

Item Number: {item number}

Quantity: {quantity}

Description: Defines the specific item for free and the quantity to be given away.

Field: Items in Promo

Quantity: {quantity}

Description: When this is selected, the same promotional item ordered becomes the free item also and the number of free item depends on the quantity set.