Modifying customer user information

Customer user settings - customer list

Field Description
Customer Name Name of the company to which the user belongs.
Approver When a user has the role "To be approved", the user selected in this field is the designated approver from the same company; else, the field has no effect. This is explained in the table in Standard Infor e-Commerce settings.
Approval Limit

If the customer company is using order approval, then this setting controls the threshold above which approval is required. The user is able to submit orders totaling less than this amount directly, without having to wait for approval.

For more information about this feature, see Order approval.

Default Shipping Address This list shows the name of each currently defined shipping address. The address that you choose here is selected automatically on the shipping form when users from this company start the checkout procedure.

Customer user settings - favorite categories

Field Description
Add New Favorite

Use the controls in this area to establish a group of "favorite categories" for the current user. These are intended to make it easier for the user to find items he or she needs often.

  • To add a category, click Find. In Category Finder page, search and select a category by clicking on the Category Name, and click Save.

  • To remove a category, under Favorite Categories, click the "X" icon corresponding to the category you want to delete.

Customer user settings - favorite items

Field Description
Add New Favorite Item

Use the controls in this area to establish a group of "favorite items" for the current user. The favorite categories are intended to make it easier for the user to find items he or she needs most often.

  • To add an item, type its Item Number into the field provided and click Save. If you need help in finding the item number you have in mind, click Find.

  • To remove an item, under Favorite Items, click the "X' icon corresponding to the item you want to delete.

Customer user settings - user roles

Field Description
User Roles Use the controls in this area to assign roles to the user. Only roles that have the "Customer User" role type are available for selection. For complete details about this feature and how to use the controls provided here, see Roles, segments, and feature elements.
  1. Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
  2. In the B2B setup, click the Users:Users B2B link in the navigator.

    In the B2B setup, click the Users:Users B2C link in the navigator.

    Specify your search criteria in the search form and click Search to find the customer user you want to work with. To edit a user, click the name in the User Name column of the list.

  3. Make necessary modifications and then click Save.