Administrating tax rates for each country

The merchant must establish at least one tax group for each country to which the merchant ship items. If more than one tax group is established for a country, then the merchant must also consider the following:

  • Each tax group must be given an easy-to-recognize name (for example, "NonFood").

  • One of the tax groups is nominated as the default tax group for the country. This group is used if no specific tax group is defined for the relevant calculation.

  • For each item where the default tax group does not apply for one or more countries, the merchant must specifically configure that item to use another tax group for each country where the setting applies.

To set up tax groups for each country:

The merchant can perform the following tax-related actions when editing a country profile:

  • Establish tax groups – Use the fields in the Add New Tax Group area to establish the name and rate for each tax group that applies for the current country.

  • Select a default tax group – Use the Default Tax Group list to select the tax group that applies to all items unless specifically changed.

  • Select the tax rate for delivery fees – Use the Delivery Tax Group to select the tax group that applies to the delivery fee. For details about delivery fees, see Delivery fees.

  • Select the tax rate for shipping fees – Use the Shipping Tax Group to select the tax group that applies to the shipping fee. For details about delivery fees, see Shipping methods.

    You cannot delete a default tax group.

For complete details about how to work with the country settings, see Establishing countries

  1. Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
  2. Click the Application Setup > Countries link in the navigator.
  3. Select a country from the list.
  4. Configuration settings appear for the selected country, including the tax group settings.