Overview on campaigns and promotions

A campaign pertains to informative materials that intend to promote sales and market consumption among customers. Campaigns are time bound and always focus on specific user segments as the target audience. They serve as the mechanism to draw customers' attention to certain items, but they do not have any impact on user transactions, such as ordering and pricing, within Infor e-Commerce.

A promotion, on the other hand, pertains to the set of rules controlling the items, targeted customers, and takeaways within a campaign. Unlike campaigns, promotions impact user transactions within the application.

Campaigns and promotions go hand in hand in Infor e-Commerce and are dependent on each other. A campaign needs rules found in a promotion to define offerings, such as pricing discounts and item giveaways, which promote sales, while a promotion must be tied together with a campaign to provide information and context to its defined rules.

Infor e-Commerce offers two types of implementation in handling campaigns and promotions:

  • M3 promotions – Rules are defined and handled in M3 BE.

  • IEC-defined promotions – Rules are defined and handled in the Business Center of Infor e-Commerce.

The following table explains the differences between the two types of implementation.

M3 promotions IEC-defined promotions
Promotions can co-exist and are independent from campaigns setup. Promotions must be connected to a campaign before they can be seen in the Customer Center.
Promotions are defined with its own validity date range. Promotions have no validity date range. They follow the validity date of the parent campaign.
Promotions can define eligible customers. Promotions follow the user segmentation (assortment) defined on the parent campaign.
Promotions can define multiple takeaways and takeaway types. Promotions are limited to a single takeaway type in each promotion.
The effect of promotions on the customer order is displayed in Infor e-Commerce, but is evaluated and computed by the ERP. The effect of promotions on the customer order is evaluated and computed within Infor e-Commerce.
Promotion items are evaluated asynchronously using the scheduled job 'MvxPromotion.GenerateCustomerItemDiscount'. A rules engine evaluates the promotion rules at runtime. For any updates or changes to the promotion, users must run 'Promotion.PromotionItemUpdateJob'.

Types of campaigns

Infor e-Commerce makes use of two types of campaigns:

  • Standard campaigns – These are current specials and other items that the merchant wishes to feature.

  • News items – These are new items, which customers might be waiting for or which might cause customers to change their standard purchases.

The campaign type controls the page on which a campaign item is listed in the Customer Center (News or Campaigns). Both types of campaigns can appear on the home page.

Campaigns in the Customer Center

Campaigns are intended to draw customers’ attention to items the merchant would most like to sell. They are featured in the banner section of the Customer Center home page. To learn more about the campaign, click the View button found on the banner image. This opens the Campaign Details page.

Note: For each campaign, links are provided that enable customers to learn more about items on offer.