Adding a single user

To add or edit a single user using the Business Center:

  1. Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
  2. In the B2B setup, click the Users:Single Users B2B link in the navigator.

    In the B2C setup, click the Users:Single Users B2C link in the navigator.

  3. Click Create New.
  4. On the Single User Details page, specify all single-user details as required.

    For complete description of each setting, see the Personal Details table below. For details about how to use the Upgrade to Business Partner option, see the Other Details table.

    Personal Details

    Field Description
    First Name The first name of the user.
    Middle Name The middle name of the user.
    Last Name The last name of the user.
    Phone The user’s phone number.

    The user’s e-mail address. This functions both as the user’s login name and as the address to which all e-mails generated for the user by Infor e-Commerce are sent.

    Note: Since this is used as the login name, each user must have a unique e-mail address. The Customer Center refuses to accept a new e-mail address that matches that of a user that already exists.
    Password The password that the user must use to access the Customer Center.

    The settings for language, date, time, and number specific to a particular region.

    Only those locales currently configured for the Customer Center is listed. For more information, see Establishing locales.

    Receive Newsletter

    Status of newsletter subscription. The subscription can have any of the following status:

    • Yes (Unconfirmed) - Indicates that the user has requested subscription but the user has not confirmed the request.

    • Yes - Indicates that the user has confirmed the subscription and the subscription has been activated successfully.

    • No - Indicates that the user is not subscribed to the newsletter.

    Upgrade to Business Partner

    Self-registered users can request that they be upgraded to a business partner. This field records their preference and it can be used for your own reference. For example, you can search for single users for whom this flag is set. It has no other effect.

    Note: This option is available for single users in the B2B setup only.
    Prompt for Order Line Details

    Customers can add many extra details (requested shipping date, comments, and so on.) to each item they add to the order form. The details are always optional, but you can choose to prompt the user for this information each time an item is added to the order form. Set to "Yes" if you wish to prompt every time. Set to "No" to disable the prompts (the user can still add order-line comments using the controls provided on the order form page).

    Note: For this page to appear, any of the following feature elements must be enabled:
    • Order Line Comments

    • Order Line Ref No

    • Order Line Req Del Date

    • Order Line Shipping Address

    Also, this page will only appear if the item is added to the shopping cart through the Item Details page.

    Partial Orders This setting controls what Infor e-Commerce can do if a user tries to submit an order that includes items that are marked as out of stock. If this is set to "Yes", then such an order is accepted. If this is set to "No", then the user is prompted to remove out-of-stock items from the order before it is accepted.

    Other Details

    Field Description

    The market to which the user belongs. This is the same value selected from the Market drop-down in the Customer Center when the user is self-registering. The item prices displayed in the Customer Center depends on the market selected by the user.

    In the B2B setup, this list shows only B2B markets. In the B2C setup, this list shows only B2C markets.

    Address 1 The first line of the user’s address.
    Address 2 The second line of the user’s address.
    Address 3 The address according to the postal address formatting guidelines for the country of the user.
    Address 4
    Postal Code The postal code for the user’s address.
    City The city of the user’s address.
    Country The country of the user’s address.
    State/Province The state or province of the user’s address. In some countries (like the USA, Canada, and Australia), the province/state is necessary, in others it is omitted.
    Currency Code The primary currency in which the user is charged for the purchase. This currency depends on the market to which the user belongs.
    Display Currency The currency that is shown when the user is viewing prices in the Item List, Item Details pages and Shopping Cart.
    Is Taxable

    Yes - If sales tax or VAT is charged to the user

    No - For user who do not pay tax

    For more information about taxation, see Tax charges.

    List Price Group

    This price list contains standard market prices.

    All items must be defined with a list price (the market price) and at least one net price. Each type of price is called a "price group". Usually, the list price is called "List".

    For more information, see Establishing price groups.

    Net Price Group

    This price list contains the actual price the user has to pay. In case a net price does not exist, the user has to pay the market price.

    Some merchants use different pricing schemes, thereby allowing them to offer different prices to different users - typically according to the overall volume of business. All items must be configured with an explicit price in each price group.

    User Roles This area lists all roles of the type "Consumer User". Use the controls in this area to assign roles to the user. For complete details about this feature and how to use the controls provided here, see Roles, segments, and feature elements.
  5. Click Create.

    The page reloads with a larger form that not only shows your settings so far but also includes additional fields for adding roles for the user. The User Roles area lists all roles of the type "Consumer User". By default, Infor e-Commerce assigns the "Shopper" role for all new users; however, this setting can be changed.

  6. Click Save to submit your new settings.