Category types

To support flexible definition of categories, the system recognizes two types of categories:

  • Normal category – Normal categories are typically used to group items together into a hierarchical, browseable structure. They can also represent a group of options available to a complex item. Often, they are used for both purposes. Categories created only to group sub-items for complex item can be marked as "non-browseable" if necessary.

  • Variant category – Each variant category establishes both the name and a set of options for a variant. They are never browseable (and have no parent). Variant values are added to the variant category itself, rather than drawn from the standard item catalog. .

  • On Sale category – On sale category is a special category that includes items on sale. Items on sale are directly listed under this category. This category is displayed along with the normal categories in the B2C setup. Selecting this category displays the Items page with all items on sale in the same way as for normal categories. The merchant can place items both in the normal category and on sale category.

    In the M3 setup, categories are replicated from M3. For information about the replicated categories, see "Effects of Interfacing" in Infor e-Commerce M3 Connector’s Guide.