Business Center settings
The merchant administrator has to confirm to the following prerequisites before uploading the items to the Google Base.
A Google account for the administrator is existing
An API key and session token are both existing
The administrator can create the Google account, API key and session token through the options provided in the Application Setup > Search Engine area of the Business Center.
- Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
- Click Application Setup > Application Details link in the navigator.
In the Application Details page, enter and save the
following details:
Field Description LinkSearchEngineAccount The URL for creating the Google account. The user is directed to this page on clicking the Search Engine Account link the Search Engine page. LinkSearchEngineAPIKey The URL for retrieving the API key that is required to access the Google Base account. In the Search Engine page, on clicking the Search Engine API Key link, the user is directed to this URL. LinkSearchEngineSessionToken The URL for retrieving the session token. In the Search Engine page, on clicking the Search Engine Session Token link, the user is directed to this URL. DefSearchEngineImageURL The external URL that contains the image for items on the Google Base system. This value is mandatory only when Infor e-Commerce application is not available on the web(i.e, the application is deployed locally). When uploading items to a Google Base system, the system retrieves image for items from URL specified in this field. If Infor e-Commerce application is available on the web, this field must be left blank. The system retrieves images directly from the server on which Infor e-Commerce is deployed.
- Click Application Setup > Search Engine link in the navigator.
In the Search Engine page, perform the following steps:
Click Search Engine Account.
The page is redirected to the Google Accounts site.
For details about how to create the Google Account, see
- Create a user account in that site.
Click Search Engine API Key.
The page is redirected to the Google Base Data API page.
Create an API key for web application and note down
the key for later use.
For details about how to create the key, see
Click Search Engine Session Token.
The page is redirected to the Google Accounts page.
- Log on to the site using the user ID created in step 5-a. Create a session token and note down the token for later use.
Click Search Engine Account.
Click Application Setup > Application Details link in
the navigator. In the Application Details page, enter and save the
following details:
Field Description GoogleAccount Enter the user ID created in step 5-a. GoogleAccountPassword Enter the password for the account created in step 5-a. GoogleBaseAPIKey Enter the key created in step 5-d. GoogleBaseSessionToken Enter the token created in step 5-f.