Configuring application parameters
To view and/or edit the application parameters:
- Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
On the navigation pane, select Application Setup > Application Details link.
The Application Details page is displayed.
Note: The Application Details menu is available for roles having the "Admin Application Data" feature element.See User roles and feature elements for more information about feature elements.
The Application Details page displays parameters that are predefined in Infor e-Commerce. The table below describes each of these parameters in detail:
Group Parameter Parameter value (default or typical) Description Address Format Address3DefaultFormatRule
&3 &1
Default rules for formatting addresses. The default rule is used if both rules for a country are not set.
For more details on address formatting rules, see Establishing countries.
Address Format AddressFormatLanguage en Language used to format an address.
Specify an existing language ID.
Application ApplicationURL http://<localhost:9080>/e-com The path to the server hosting the B2B Infor e-Commerce application. This URL is used to switch from https protocol to http protocol during the order flow, to compose replication mails, to redirect the URL from the Google site to the Infor e-Commerce application and so on.
For example,
Application ApplicationURLB2C http://<localhost:9081>/e-com The path to the server hosting the B2C Infor e-Commerce application. This URL is used to switch from https protocol to http protocol during the order flow, to compose replication mails, to redirect the URL from the Google site to the Infor e-Commerce application and so on.
For example,
Application ChatSessionTimedOutInterval 20 Time in minutes after which the application must change the status of an idle chat session to "TimedOut" in the Sales Representative’s chat window. Application CurrentTheme Name of the theme that you want to use for your application.
See the Infor e-Commerce Developer's Guide for more information.
Application GoogleAnalyticsID Tracking ID for Google Analytics.
For more information, see Using Google Analytics.
Application HighlightItemShade The shade color for the selected item. Set in hexadecimal color code. Application MaxItemsOnOrderFormUpdate The maximum number of items that will appear on the order form. Application OrderTypeFromVirtualEnterprise Y Setting this field to "Y" indicates that the order type associated with Virtual Enterprise is used. This is applicable when the order type is not replicated from M3. Application SecureApplicationURL https://<localhost:9443>/e-com This URL is used to switch the protocol from http to https for credit card validation during the order flow in the B2B setup. Application SecureApplicationURLB2C https://<localhost:9443>/e-com This URL is used to switch the protocol from http to https for credit card validation during the order flow in the B2C setup. Application SiteName Infor e-Commerce The name of the site that will appear in several locations (the browser's title bar, for example). Banner Rotator BannerDelayTime 4000 The number of seconds a banner is displayed. Banner Rotator BannerFadingTime 1500 Sets how long the fade effect lasts. Catalog GenVisibilityForCatalogID The general visibility for category ID Category RootCategoryInternalName top The name of the root category. All top-level categories must have the parent category set to the root category. Category RootCategoryInternalNameSPS The name of the root category for Spare Parts Sales. DAF DataStore The default data store where DAF documents are stored. DAF JDBCDriver The name of the JDBC driver. DAF JDBCURL The URL for the JDBC server. DAF Language ENU The language for documents. DAF Password The password of the DAF user. DAF Schema ICMADMIN The DAF schema. DAF SQLPassword The password for the DAF SQL Server user. DAF SQLUserID The name for the DAF SQL Server user. DAF UserName The DAF user name. Default User DefAlternateCurrencyID DKK Alternate Currency for single users. This currency is used if the user does not specify any currency while registering in the Customer Center. Default User DefIsTaxable Y Setting this field to "Y" indicates that Sales tax or VAT is charged to the single users. Default User DefLocalelID en The settings for language, date, time, number and currency. This locale is used if users do not specify the language when registering in the Customer Center. Default User DefPartialOrders Y Setting this field to "Y" indicates that users can submit orders having items out of stock. Default User DefRoleType Consumer user This indicates that single users are assigned roles that are configured with the "Consumer User" role type. Default User DefVirtualEnterprise aaa The default virtual enterprise for single users and guest users. Default User DefWishToBeReseller N Setting this field to "N" indicates that single users cannot be upgraded to resellers. eCraft eCraftAPIKey The API Key needed when using eCraft. eCraft eCraftAPIURL The URL for eCraft APIs eCraft eCraftSource The eCraft source. Facebook FacebookAdmins Facebook profile ID of administrator user Facebook FacebookDataType product The host name or IP address of the IA server. The value for this field should be provided by the Infor Epiphany Interaction Advisor administrator. IDM DeliveryNoteDocType The document type defined in IDM for Delivery Notes document IDM IDMPassword The user account password to login in IDM IDM IDMUsername The user account to login in IDM IDM IDMUrl The IDM Server URL IDM InvoiceDocType The document type defined in IDM for Invoice document Interaction Advisor (IA) IaServer Interaction Advisor (IA) IaPortNumber In Infor e-Commerce, the default value is 7206. The port number of the IA server. The value for this field should be provided by the Infor Epiphany Interaction Advisor administrator. Interaction Advisor (IA) IaPackageName In Infor e-Commerce, the default value is eCommerce. The IA package that Infor e-Commerce integrates with. This package should be installed and configured in the IA server that is specified in the IaServer parameter. The Infor Epiphany Interaction Advisor administrator should provide the package name, as well as install and configure the package in the IA server. Interaction Advisor (IA) IaUsername The user name of the IA basic user account. This user account is used every time a Java API call is sent to Infor Epiphany Interaction Advisor. Interaction Advisor (IA) IaPassword The password of the user account that you specify in the IaUsername parameter. The value for this field should be provided by the IA administrator. Interaction Advisor (IA) IaMarketerUsername The user name of the Infor Epiphany Interaction Advisor administrator account. This user account must have administration rights to create and delete campaigns and promotions (communications) in IA. This user account is used every time a REST API call is sent to Infor Epiphany Interaction Advisor. Interaction Advisor (IA) IaMarketerPassword The password of the user account that you specify in the IaMarketerUsername parameter. The value for this field should be provided by the Infor Epiphany Interaction Advisor administrator. Image DefBrandImageThumb brand/thumbnail/thumb.jpg Relative path to the default thumb image. This image is used for brands in the Customer Center when a brand has no thumb image specified. Image DefCampaignImagePreview campaign/default/preview. jpg Relative path to the default preview image. This image is used for campaigns in the Customer Center when a campaign has no preview image specified. Image DefCategoryImagePreview category/default/preview. jpg Relative path to the default preview image. This image is used for categories in the Customer Center when a category has no preview image specified. Image DefCategoryImageThumb category/thumbnail/thumb.gif Relative path to the default thumb image. This image is used for categories in the Customer Center when a category has no thumb image specified. Image DefItemImagePreview item/default/preview. jpg Relative path to the default preview image. This image is used for items in the Customer Center when an item has no preview image specified. Image DefItemImageThumb item/default/thumb.jpg Relative path to the default thumb image. This image is used for items in the Customer Center when an item has no thumb image specified. Image DefManufacturerImagePreview manufacturer/default/preview.jpg Relative path to the default preview image. This image is used for items the Customer Center when a manufacturer has no preview image specified. Image DefProductImagePreview product/default/preview. jpg Relative path to the default preview image. This image is used for products in the Customer Center when a product has no preview image specified. Image DefProductImageThumb product/default/thumb.gif Relative path to a default thumb image. This image is used for products in the Customer Center when a product has no thumb image specified. Image DefPromotionImagePreview Relative path to a default promotion image. This image is used for promotions in the Customer Center when a promotion has no thumb image specified. Image RootFolder The root folder where images are stored. Image rootUrl The root URL for images. Index Server IndexServerHost The location of the index server. Index Server IndexServerPort 58888 The port that the index server will listen to index requests from Infor e-Commerce. Index Server UseIndexServer N Setting this field to Y allows use of index server. LSO CallCenterEmail_EmailID @where.EmailID The URL parameter name being passed to CallCenterEmail page, which corresponds to the URL parameter EmailID being passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. LSO CallCenterEmail_UserID @where.UserID The URL parameter name being passed to CallCenterEmail page, which corresponds to the URL parameter UserID passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. LSO CompanyDetails_CustomerID @where.UserGroupKey The URL parameter name being passed to CompanyDetails page, which corresponds to the URL parameter CustomerID passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. LSO EnableLESIndexTriggers Y When set to Y, IES index triggers are enabled. LSO FavoriteItemDetails_ItemID @where.ItemID The URL parameter name being passed to FavoriteItemDetails page, which corresponds to the URL parameter ItemID passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. LSO ItemDetails_ItemID @where.ItemID The URL parameter name being passed to ItemDetails page, which corresponds to the URL parameter ItemID passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. LSO ItemRatingDetails_ItemID @where.ItemID The URL parameter name being passed to ItemRatingDetails page, which corresponds to the URL parameter ItemID passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. LSO PendingOrderDetails_OrderID @where.OrderID The URL parameter name being passed to PendingOrderDetails page, which corresponds to the URL parameter OrderID passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. LSO RFQDetails_OrderID @where.OrderID The URL parameter name being passed to RFQDetails page, which corresponds to the URL parameter OrderID passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. LSO SavedOrderDetails_OrderID @where.OrderID The URL parameter name being passed to SavedOrderDetails page, which corresponds to the URL parameter OrderID passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. LSO Separator Separates IP addresses that are passed between Infor e-Commerce and ISO. LSO SSOKey1 Single Sign On key. LSO SSOKey2 Single Sign On key. LSO SSOKey3 Single Sign On key. LSO SSOKey4 Single Sign On key. LSO UserDetails_UserID @where.UserID@ op.EQ The URL parameter name being passed to UserDetails page, which corresponds to the URL parameter UserID passed from the IES M3 to Infor e-Commerce Viewer. Mail MailReceiverForCatalogError E-mail address for sending the mail when there is a catalog error. Mail MailReceiverForOrderCreated E-mail address for sending the mail when an order is created in the Customer Center. Typically, this will be somebody from the merchant’s office. Mail MailReceiverForOrderError - E-mail address for sending a mail in case order submission to M3 fails. If this field is blank, no mail is sent in case of failure. Mail MailSender - This is the e-mail address that will be shown in the "from:" field of the message (for example, ""). Mail MailServer - The IP address or machine name for the mail server, which the Infor e-Commerce application will use when sending mails. Mail MailServerPort - The port used by the mail server. Mail ReplicationStatusLogPageURL - The full URL for the address where the replication logs are located. This address is used in the body of the mail that is sent to users notifying about the replication status. My Equipment VisibleAlternativeItems Sets the number of visible alternative items. Ordering InvoiceRootURL The root folder where invoices are stored. Ordering OrderFileFolder The folder where orders are stored. PIM PIMWebClientURL Specify its value as the URL address of the PIM rich client. This value is used for the PIM web client link that is displayed in the Item Details page in the Business Center. Promotion DiscountModel Contains the discount model that is created in M3. SalesTool SalesTool ActivityCode - The code used when interfacing with the Sales tool. SalesTool SalesTool Authentication - The string identifies a user in Sales Tool, which has the rights to perform the actions, when Infor e-Commerce calls the Sales tool. For details on the sales tool, see Infor e-Commerce SMS Connector’s Guide. SalesTool SalesToolUserRoles MultiUser The role type to be assigned for users from replicated from the Sales tool. Search Engine GoogleAccount - User ID to access the Google Base account. Search Engine GoogleAccountPassword - Password to access the Google Base account. Search Engine GoogleBaseAPIKey - API key to access Google Base from Infor e-Commerce. Search Engine GoogleBaseSessionToken - Google Base session token for web application. Search Engine IndexFolder Folder where the Lucene index files are stored. Search Engine LinkSearchEngineAccount - URL for creating the Google account. Search Engine LinkSearchEngineAPIKey - URL for retrieving the API key to access the Google Base account. Search Engine LinkSearchEngineSessionToken - URL for retrieving the session token. Search Engine DefSearchEngineImageURL - URL for retrieving the default image for items uploaded to the Google Base system. This value is set to blank if the Infor e-Commerce application is available on the web. Search Engine (SPS) EquipmentIndexFolder The folder where the Lucene index file for equipment is stored. Search Engine (SPS) PartsIndexFolder The folder where the Lucene index file for spare parts is stored. Sequential Configurator BulkPreset http://<hostname>:<port>/SequentialConfigurator/ SchemaRetrieverServlet?ac=1&id= Enables the uploading of images to Sequential Configurator. Sequential Configurator LogoImage http://<hostname>:<port>/SequentialConfigurator/ SequentialCfgLogoServlet Contains all features and options that are preset to a logo ID. Sequential Configurator PersonalText http://<hostname>:<port>/SequentialConfigurator/ SequentialCfgPTextServlet?
Enables text validation based on words that you identify in Sequential Configurator. Showroom ShowroomPlayTime (Millisecond) 5000 Sets the playtime of the showroom video. Showroom ShowroomStageHeight (Pixel) 470 Sets the height of the showroom stage length. Showroom ShowroomStageWidth (Pixel) 870 Sets the height of the showroom stage width. Simulate Order SimulateRequireCUOR Y When set to Y, CUOR is required when simulating orders. Store Finder DefaultLocation Sweden Sets the default location identified in the map canvass found in Store Finder. Store Finder ZoomLevel 20 Set the zoom display of the map canvass found in Store Finder. User Account LockoutDuration 30 Controls the duration in minutes for an account to be locked. User Account MaxFailedLoginAttempts 5 Controls the number of failed login attempts a user can make before the account gets locked. User Account MaxPasswordResetPerDay 3 Controls the number of times a user's password can be reset within a day. WebService WebServiceUserID The ID for the Web service user. WebService WSDL URL (CreditCard) ecommerce.asmx?wsdl WebService WSDL URL Endpoint (CreditCard) ecommerce.asmx WebService WSDL URL (CreditCardAdmin) admin.asmx?wsdl WebService WSDL URL Endpoint (CCAdmin) admin.asmx WebService CreditCardMerchantID Specify your CenPOS merchant ID. WebService CreditCardMerchantPassword Specify your CenPOS password. WebService CreditCardUserID Specify your CenPOS user ID. WebService CreditCardRequiredCVV Set to true to require the CVV number of the credit card. Set to false to disable the CVV field.
Note: The setting in this parameter must match what you enabled in the CenPOS Administration Panel. - In the Parameters area, make changes to existing settings or use the Add New Parameter area to define new parameters. The predefined parameters cannot be deleted.
- Click Save to submit your changes.