Scheduled jobs
Certain system functions are run as scheduled activities at pre-defined intervals. These are typically resource-demanding activities so you would not want to run these immediately as response to normal user interaction with the system.
In addition, it is convenient to execute these activities at certain times, typically at night, so you know exactly when major additions such as catalog updates become effective in the system.
Infor e-Commerce comprises the scheduled jobs described in the second table below. Each job has an ID that is built from the internal business object and its scheduled object method. You can schedule each job either by specifying an interval (in minutes) or a cron-expression.
There are some schedule jobs that are made disabled by setting their cron expression to NULL in the DB. These jobs can be enabled by giving some default values from the cron expression in Business Center from ScheduleList pages based on the need and scenario.
For example,
The default value that can be used is 0 30 3 * * ? for cron expression.
Following is a list of schedule jobs which are by default disabled for the automatic scheduling.
Job ID | Application property | Description |
Item.UploadItemToSearch- Engine | Application.SearchEngine is true | Uploads Infor e-Commerce items to Google Base. |
Item.ClearAllDeletedItem- FromSearchEngine | Application.SearchEngine is true | Deletes all uploaded items from Google Base. i.e, deletes items from the SearchEngineItem table only. |
Item.DeleteAllItemOnlyFrom- SearchEngine | Application.SearchEngine is true | Deletes all those items only from the SearchEngineItem table that are not present in the Items table. |
Following is a list of schedule jobs that are enabled for the automatic scheduling.
Job ID | Description |
Category.UpdateExplosions | Maintains the CategoryExplosion table based on the low/high values. |
Chat.CleanupTimedout | Deletes any time out chat messages. |
CurrentOrder.CleanupTempOrders | Deletes any temporary orders that are older than 7 days. |
Item.GenerateOtherItemsRelation | Generates cross sale relations for items based on actual purchases. |
Item.GenerateVisibility | Calculates the visibility of all items based on the assortment segment mechanism. |
Lucene.Index | Creates and updates the indexes which will be used for the Lucene search functionality. |
PreviousOrder.CleanupOrder- History | Deletes all orders that are older than 7 months. |
MvxPromotion.GenerateCustomerItemDiscount |
Calculates the best discount for customers. Note: Applicable only to M3-integrated promotions.
Promotion.PromotionItemUpdate |
Generates the items included in the promotion as defined by promotion rules and takeaways. This scheduled job should be run when there is an update or when there are changes in the items included in standalone-related promotions. |
TopSellingItem.RefreshItem- TopSeller | Calculates top three selling items for a category. |
User.CleanupNewsletter | Deletes data related to unconfirmed newsletter subscriptions. |
UserActivityLog.Cleanup | Deletes data related to logs of a user's activities. |
To view or edit scheduled jobs: