Newsletter administration

Administrators can change the subscription status to "active" for registered users, thus bypassing the unconfirmed state and confirmation mails. Administrators can also remove the subscription status for all users without notification to the user. For prospect users, this action removes the user information from Main > Newsletter area of the Business Center.

To manually change the subscription status for a registered user:

  1. Log on to Business Center as a merchant administrator.
  2. Click the Main > Newsletter link in the navigator.
  3. On the Newsletter page, enter the search criteria and click Search.

    The results matching the search criteria are displayed.

  4. Select an appropriate user by clicking the user name.
  5. In the Update To drop-down list, select a status.
  6. Click Save.

    To download a list of active subscription, click Download Newsletter Recipient list. Infor e-Commerce downloads the list as a text file and saves it to your desktop with the name SubscriptionList.txt.