Adding items to sub-item categories

Often, sub-items are standard items that are also available separately. However, some configurable items may feature sub-items that are not available separately, or pricing for a given item might be very different when included as a sub-item, thereby requiring you to enter the sub-item version as a new item.

To add sub-items to a category:

  1. Create the required sub-item category. Make the category non-browseable if it does not make sense in the category-browsing context (for example, because none of the items in it are available separately).
  2. Create each of the sub-items as though they were regular items (or find an item).

    For sub-items that are not available separately, be sure to set the Item Type to "Sub-Item Only" as the first step. Only simple items (without sub-items or variants) can act as sub-items.

  3. Use the controls in the Categories area to add the appropriate sub-item category in which you want to display the item.