Top selling items
In Infor e-Commerce, items that appear frequently in an order (not the number of items sold) are regarded as top selling items. The top selling statistics are calculated at regular intervals by the "TopSellingItem.RefreshItemTopSeller"schedule job. Infor e-Commerce uses the order information from the past to calculate this statistics. For each main category, including non-leaf (categories having child categories) and leaf categories (categories which do not have child categories), the scheduled job retrieves the topmost three selling items below the category. Deleting an item also deletes the statistical data related to that item.
In the Customer Center, the Category page displays a maximum of three top selling items for each main category. See the figure "B2C Setup: Infor e-Commerce provides consumers with a quick overview and easy navigation" in Using the Customer Center.
If an item is a top seller with its immediate category, this information about the item is displayed in the Items page and the Item Details page. In the Items page, a top selling item is highlighted by the Top Seller icon shown below. Similarly, in the Item Details page, it is indicated by the Top Seller icon: