Uploading brand images

You can associate up to two images to a brand. These images differ in size and they are displayed in various pages in the Customer Center. The images include:

  • A thumbnail image

  • A preview image

The thumbnail image is used in the Brands tree; the preview image is used in the Item List page for the selected brand. These images are stored on the application server where Infor e-Commerce is running in a folder called "brand". In a typical installation, this might be:



Each time you add a new brand for which you wish to display an image, you must upload an image file. The image file must have one of the following formats - *.JPG, *.GIF or *.PNG

To upload an image for a brand:

  1. Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator.
  2. Click Items > Brands link in the navigator.
  3. On the Brands page, select the brand you want to edit.
  4. in the the Upload Image area, do the following:
    1. Select the image type.
    2. Click Browse to find and select the image for the brand.

      Alternatively, it is also possible to add a reference to an external image by entering the URL (like for example, http://myimages.com/image.gif) in the File Path field.

    3. Click Add Image.

      The Brand Images area displays the path where the image is uploaded.

      If you do not upload any image for the brand, the default image for brand is displayed in the Customer Center. The default image for brand is configured in the Application Details page of the Business Center. For more information about application details, see Application details.