Subscribing to newsletters

To request for Infor e-Commerce newsletter:

  1. In the Customer Center start page, do any of the following:
    • In the B2C setup, click Newsletter icon in the right area of the screen.

    • In the B2B setup, click Home > Newsletter.

  2. In the Newsletter Subscription page, enter the e-mail address to which you want to subscribe Infor e-Commerce newsletter.

    For registered users, this field is pre-filled with the registered e-mail address.

  3. Click Subscribe.

    Infor e-Commerce generates a unique activation code for the subscription and sends a mail to the e-mail address along with the activation code. At this time, Infor e-Commerce changes the subscription status from "No" to "Yes (Unconfirmed)".

    Registered users can view this subscription status the My Profile > Profile area.

    Both registered and unregistered users have to confirm their request by clicking the link provided in the confirmation mail. Infor e-Commerce changes the status of subscription to "Yes" (active).

    Users must confirm their subscriptions within 30 days of receiving the confirmation mail. The schedule job User.CleanupNewsletter removes all unconfirmed subscriptions that are older than 30 days. If registered users do not confirm the subscription within this period, Infor e-Commerce changes their subscription status is changed to "No" (inactive). For guest user, this action removes the user details from the Main > Newsletter area of the Business Center.