Creating promotions

  1. Log on to the Business Center as merchant administrator.

  2. Click the Shop > Promotions link in the navigator.

  3. Click Create New.

  4. On the Promotion Details page, specify the following:


    This field displays the system-generated code for the promotion.

    Internal Name

    (Mandatory) Type a name for the promotion.


    (Mandatory) Select one of the following promotion types:

    • Buy any number of items for a set price

    • Buy any specified number of items and get a percentage off

    • Buy 1 take 1/Buy promo quantity or get more

    • Spend nominated amount or above on a selected range and get a percentage off

    • Credit card promotions


    (Mandatory) Select a currency that matches the currency of the customer that will use the promotion.

  5. Click Create.

    Other promotion details are displayed. The value of fields on the Rules and Takeaway tabs vary according to the specified promotion type.

  6. On the Rules tab, specify this information.


    Select a rule type.


    Select a field type.


    Select an operator.


    Specify a value for the selected field type. This field searches for available Item Numbers in an intelli-search behavior.

    Click Add.

  7. On the Takeaway tab, specify this information.


    Select a rule type.


    Select a field type.


    Select an operator.


    Specify a value for the selected field type. This field searches for available Item Numbers in an intelli-search behavior.


    Specify a numeral value that defines the number of free item to be added. This field is applicable when you select Buy 1 Take 1/Buy promo quantity or more or Credit Card Promotions in the promotions type field.

  8. On the Texts tab, specify the promotion name and description for each language supported by your application.

  9. Click Save.

Uploading promotion images

  1. Log on to the Business Center as a merchant administrator

  2. Click Shop > Promotions link in the navigator.

  3. In the Promotions page, select the promotion that you want to edit.

    The Promotion Details page is displayed.

  4. In the Promotion Images area, click Upload.

  5. To select images to upload from your local computer, click Add Files

    – Or –

    Drag and drop images from your local computer to the Media Uploader canvass.

    Note: If you are using Internet Explorer as browser, you cannot add multiple images simultaneously. You can drag and drop images only with version 10 or later.
  6. To upload files individually, click the arrow button on the upper right-hand corner of the image.

    – Or –

    To upload all files simultaneously, click Upload All.

  7. To set the image type of each file, select HomeBanner or Preview on the upper left-hand corner of the image.

    Note: You can skip this step by following the naming convention for image files: For example, MenCasual_homebanner.jpeg will be interpreted as the home banner image.
  8. Click Apply.

    The images are displayed in the Promotion Images tab.

  9. To preview an image, click the Preview icon on the upper right-hand corner of the image.

  10. To delete an image, click the Delete icon on the upper right-hand corner of the image.

    – Or –

    To delete all images, click Delete All.

  11. Click Save.

Setting terms and conditions

On the Promotion Terms and Conditions section of the Promotion Details page, type the text on the given field. Click Save.

To update the Customer Center with the promotion item, click Application Setup > Scheduled Jobs and run Promotion.PromotionItemUpdateJob.