Quotation status

The status of the quotation can change as it goes through its cycle.

To change the quotation status, in the EQM mashup, select Related > Change status. Internal controls govern how a quotation can proceed from one status to another.

Status Description
10 Any new quotation typically keeps this status until the quotation is ready to be reviewed internally by, for example, a sales manager. The status can be changed from 10 to 20 or 30. If the quotation order type is defined as preliminary, then the status must be set to 20 before it can be set to 30.
15 The quotation has been rejected by an internal reviewer, for example, the sales manager. The salesperson preparing the quotation must review it before re-submitting it. The status can be changed from 15 to 20 or 30, depending on the above mentioned rules.
20 The quotation is ready for approval. When the status of a quotation changes from 10 to 20, a warning message is issued if the quotation margin is less than the margin predefined against the quotation order type. The status can be changed from 20 to 10, 15, or 30.
30 The quotation is approved internally, to become a sales proposal. The status can be changed from 30 to 10, 15, 20, 40, or 50.
40 The quotation can be issued to the customer as an approved sales proposal. Quotations with a status between 10 and 50 can be printed. The status can be changed from 40 to 50, 90, 95, or 99.
50 The quotation is accepted by the customer and can be turned into a real sales order. To release the quotation, select Related > Create CO. After the sales order has been created, the status is set to 80. The status can be changed from 80 to 95.
80 The quotation is released, to become a sales order.
90 This status identifies a lost sale. This information is used by M3 Customer LifeCycle Management to analyze lost sales. A quotation can always be moved to this status from any other status.
95 This status identifies an expired quotation. This information is used by M3 Customer LifeCycle Management to analyze lost sales.
99 This status identifies an inactive quotation, one that has been copied to a new version or deleted as part of the related quotation process.
Transaction reason This information is used by M3 Customer LifeCycle Management to analyze lost sales.
Reason text You can use the reason text to update a text block with additional information. For example, you can use this information when updating the status of the quotation.