Settings for a one-off service

In M3 Equipment Quotation Management, you can use an MCO quotation to estimate the cost of a one-off service. Once the estimation is complete, the estimated price and cost are updated in M3 Equipment Quotation Management.

Depending on the setup in the EQM, the result of the MCO quotation is either a local option connected to the configuration service, or a separate MCO.

The Configuration service field (SCER) indicates if an EQM service is used for configuration purposes.

The Configuration service field is entered and maintained for each service in 'Quotation. Add Services' (QUS114). Services connected to an EQM quotation are maintained in 'Quotation. Open Services' (QUS104).

If the Configuration service is set to 0-No, a separate maintenance customer order is created in 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open' (COS100) for the service when the EQM quotation is released to order.

If the Configuration service is set to 2-Included, the service is included in a configuration service. It is not predefined and must first be estimated with a maintenance quotation in (COS100) and 'Maint Quotation. Open Information' (COS115). A work order proposal related to the configuration service is created in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170) for the service when the EQM quotation is released to order.

If the Configuration service is set to 3-Local, the service is included in a configuration service and is predefined. A work order proposal related to the configuration service is created in (MOS170) for the service when the EQM quotation is released to order.

You can specify the status required on the MCO quotation to enable the release of the EQM quotation. This is done with the parameter Release status on (QUS114/E).

If Release status has been set in (QUS114), you cannot release the M3 Equipment Quotation Management quotation until the connected MCO has reached this status or above.

When a quotation is released in M3 Equipment Quotation Management, similar service quotation lines can be merged to the same MCO. This is controlled with parameter Connect MCO on (QUS114/E). If the parameter is enabled, similar service quotation lines are merged to the same MCO.

In some instances,you cannot merge service quotation lines, for example because of different agreement numbers, serial numbers, or order types that require two separate MCOs.

On (QUS104/E), you can connect an MCO to a quotation line by selecting an existing MCO using the Customer order number field on (QUS104/E). An MCO quotation line is, in this case, added to the selected MCO for the (QUS104) record. If the Customer order number is left blank, a new MCO is created.

'Connect MCO' on (QUS114/E) must be activated before an existing MCO can be selected, using the Customer order number on (QUS104/E). If ‘Connect MCO’ is deactivated, the Customer order number is non-editable.