DB Tools

The database view tool is helpful for configuring solutions and troubleshooting data issues. You can use this feature to inspect the database content and easily view what is inside a table, run SQL queries to directly query the database to retrieve specific information, or show record counts to determine the number of records existing in each table.

This tool is useful for consultants and support teams in helping customers to identify missing data and investigate the root cause of problems by examining the database contents.

You can enable this feature in Setup > Settings > Logging > Special settingsand then specify the value 1 on EnableDBTool.

Note: You can only access the DB Tool feature if you have administration rights.
  1. For cloud users, you access this feature through DMP Client. From the menu, select DB Administration > DB Tools.
    For on-premises users, you access this feature through the M3 DMP installation path. Access C:\Program Files (x86)\M3 DMP16.1\Tools\db then double-click the M3DmpDBTool.exe file.
  2. On SQLForm, you can copy and export the result of the query:
    Click this button to run the SQL syntax specified.
    Click this button to copy the contents from the selected queries.
    Click this button to export the contents from the selected queries. A prompt is displayed to ask for the location where the CSV file is saved.
    A Copy option is also available on the grid to copy the highlighted records including the headers.
  3. On M3DmpDBTool, select File > Export. You can select two options in export:
    Table List
    Select this option to export the list of the tables to a file.
    Selected Table
    Select this option to export a table with content to a file.
  4. On M3DmpDBTool, select Edit > Run SQL... to open a new SQL query window.
  5. On M3DmpDBTool, select Settings > Show Recordcount to display the number of records existing in each table.