Workflow actions

Workflow consists of one or several steps of actions. This table displays the available Workflow actions in M3 DMP:

Action Description
Calculate Forecast This action is used to calculate the forecast for a Favorite view.
Calculate Forecast Category This action is used to calculate the forecast for all favorite views with a specific category.
Calculate Scoreboard (Excepts/Alerts) This action is used to calculate the scoreboard.
Calculate Scoreboard Category This action is used to calculate all scoreboards with a specific category.
Dataset Data This action is used to complete a dataset data copy of a saved configuration.
Expand Dataset Data This action is used to generate the data by expanding the data of one Favorite view using a second Favorite view as a distribution table.
Favorite View Data This action is the Favorite view data manager that is used to copy a part of the data within a version to another favorite view.
AUM Import This action is used to import Alternative Units of Measures.
AUM Deploy This action is used to deploy the AUM factors.
Attribute Import This actions is used to import the descriptions and group fields.
Extra Key Import This action is used to import grouping fields that you can edit and use in Filters.
Run Script This action is used to run a number of Demand Planner scripts.
Import File This action is used to import from a CSV file to integrate with external systems.
Export File This action is used to export to a CSV file to integrate with external systems.
Import Promotions This action is used to import M3 Promotions to Demand Planner.
Export Promotions This action is used to export modified promotions to M3.
Assign Promotions This action is used to merge Promotions to a dataset to enable the tracking of the promotion in Favorite Views.
Accept Sales Activities By enabling this action, all sales activities in a dataset are automatically accepted.
Confirm Scenario Parts By enabling this action, all scenario part in a dataset are automatically confirmed.
Workflow This action is used to complete another workflow.
Start Timer This action is used to set a specific time for the workflow to start execution.
Open Favorite View This action is used to open a Favorite View Grid.
Open Scoreboard record This action is used to open a Scoreboard Grid.
Close All This action is used to close all the tabs that are open in the workbench area in Demand Planner.
Global Filter This action is used to replan single items in an existing Workflow. It is also used to divide a large amount of data to smaller parts.

Global filter is applied to all Favorite view related actions.

Import M3 Data This action is used to create a CSV file that enables the import of Attributes, Text Keys, and Extra Keys.
Import (Dataset) This action is used to import a dataset from M3 using REST API.
Export (Dataset) This action is used to export a dataset from M3 using REST API.
Import BE Periods
Run Command
Open Version Cycle This action enables the administrator to control the Forecast Cycle activities that take place while the version is open.
Close Version Cycle This action is used to close databases for the consolidation and export of updates to M3 BE.
Open Phantom This action is used to access the Phantom Manager.
Open Phase out This action is used to open a pivot sheet displaying only the phased out records for the selected dataset.
Open Promotion This action is used to open Promotion tracking in DMP.
M3 Trigger This is an action that uses FCS425 program in M3 BE.
Run SQL This action is used to run basic SQL commands in the workflow.

For more information on Workflow in M3 DMP, refer to the documentation provided for the Industry Process Catalog for M3 Demand Planner. See IA Demand Planner.