Distribution Profiles

Distribution profiling is a calculation method that is used to make changes in the time dimension in DMP. In a distribution profile, the user can add an amount or percentage, or redistribute a given forecast or budget over a specific time range.

Time-phased distribution is done in Demand Planner by using these options:

  • Distribution profile calculation dialog box in the pivot sheet
  • Weekly distribution tables in M3 set to weekly period
  • Copies data between datasets using Favorite View manager
  • Redistribution using Favorite View data manager

Selecting the data for calculation

To calculate a data from a dataset:

  1. Select a dataset.
  2. On the Administrator's favorite view toolbar, click Basic Calculation.
  3. Select the data to be calculated.
  4. Right-click and select Calculate Cells or press Space.

    The Basic Calculation dialog box is displayed.

  5. Specify this information:
    Specify an operator.
    Specify a value.
    Specify a column value.
    Distribution method
    Specify the distribution method.
  6. Click OK.