User Dataset Access

  1. From the menu, select Users > User Dataset Access.
  2. In User Rights, you can define the roles and rights for a user.
    This table shows the list of version roles and descriptions:
    Version Role Description
    None User has no rights
    Administrator User has the administrator rights
    Forecaster User has the forecaster rights
    Viewer User has read-only rights
    This table shows the dataset rights that you can define for a user:
    Dataset Rights Description
    None User has no rights
    Change User has read, write, and edit rights
    View User has read-only rights
  3. Select a dataset and click the appropriate icon for the Version Role. The same icon is displayed under the Version Role column for the selected dataset.
  4. Select a dataset and click the appropriate icon for the Dataset Rights. The same icon is displayed under the Dataset Rights column for the selected dataset.
  5. Optionally, drag and drop the User column to the column header. The User column is added on the table, which displays users for each dataset.
  6. Click Refresh.