About Scripts

The Script functionality enables you to automate process flows involving M3 DMP and other applications. Any process flow can be scripted. However, this functionality is particularly relevant for processes that are repetitive in nature. For example, one of the included sample scripts enables you to export all active screens in the workbench to Microsoft PowerPoint allowing you to swiftly generate a presentation.

A M3 DMP Script is a VBS script that is not compiled and can be written in any text editor. Install the new scripts in the ..\M3 DMP12_10\Scripts\ directory. All script files must have the file extension .srp to be recognized. Its recommended that you give your script a file name that is synonymous with the work routine you want to execute, since this ensures easy recognition in the Scripting dialog box. See Installing and running scripts.

If your script has errors, you will get error messages as the script is being executed. These messages will provide you with information about the location of the error in the script.

The Script functionality is able to execute the scripts synchronously from Menu > List, Workflows, and Favorite View action menu.

A Script can also be executed when the M3 DMP program starts, by adding it to the programs command line with option -S <scriptfile> or -SX <scriptfile>. Using -SX will make M3 DMP close down after the script has been completed.